Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Remote Sensing Management Solution Inc Rubber Plantation

Remote Sensing & Mapping the Rubber Plantation And Rubber Society in GIS India .

1. Economy

2. Lockdowns

3. Tourisam

4. Crisis

5. Surveys

6. Marketing

7.(N.R) Kerala

8. (N.R) N.E States

9. A.L.F Losses

10.SAT L.I.A

11.SAT Mod15A2

12.SAT I.R.S



15. A.W.I.F.S




INDIA is the sixth largest producer of Rubber and second largest consumer of Rubber in the Global market . Rubber market over these year has become a source of income to the farmers of the many countries like India ,china, Thailand, Malaysia . In India major producer of Rubber is the south Indian states like Kerala and expanded now north eastern states of India as a major crop . The Hevea Brasilienses called the Rubber tree is the important source of NR and 97% of the N.R is produced from these trees. The main crop from Hevea Brasilienses is a white milky liquid named the latex and is obtained from the tissues of the tree by the process know as tapping . The solid form of Rubber is the Rubber sheet and the liquid form of Rubber preserved is the centrifuged latex preserved for days in liquid state by ammoniasation . The Rubber is not a part of the history and is a traditional crops of the country where a large number of farmers are the growers .

The Rubber producers society is the RPS . Rubber cultivation expands as a major crop when the Rubber is grown scientifically with the support Rubber board India . The Rubber cultivation has changed a lot from the old variety of tree RRAA 105 to 400 series of bud wood trees and root trainers like RRAA 414, RRAA417, RRAA 422, RRAA 429, RRAA 430 in which the most economical are 430,414. The scientific Cultivation had made grading of Rubber sheet like RSS 1, RSS 2, RSS 3, RSS 4, RSS 5 on quality and for pricing .

In India about 5.45 lacs hectares is the total area of the Rubber cultivation . In 2015 to 2016 year The total production of rubber is 562000 tons the total tapped area is 391000 hectares of land .the average yield is 1443 kg/ ha, The total consumption of Rubber is 994415 tons , the imports of Rubber is 458314 tons , the total stock in hand with farmers, industry, dealers is 252000 tons, the price of rubbers is 132.57Rs.

The major challenge the Rubber market in year 2015 to 2016 year is the decline in Rubber production and rise in Rubber imports due to the shortage of Rubber in the domestic. The Rubber Industry who are the buyers of the Domestic Market and manufacture different varieties of products like Tyres Tubes , Automobile components , dipped latex products like Rubber band , finger tips , gloves. Balloons, feeding bottles test, catheters, Medical tubes ,latex threads , latex rubber foams, adhesives production ans sales had reduced due to global market recession and risks in the market and as a result they are not able to give good value of goods produced by farmers in India and kept them away from domestic market risks lead to the decline of rubber is domestic market and this decline had risen the imports of Rubber to India market in 2015 to 2016 year mainly from Thailand . The major consumer of Natural Rubber are tyre company in India comprising of 63% of total rubber production share in India

Covid 19 lockdown

Covid lock down exemptions in kerala for latex and gloves processing and allowed Rubber tapping & transporting of latex to latex units

Kerala allows rubber tapping in latex processing, glove production units provided lockdown exemption for rubber plantations involved in latex processing and production of rubber and surgical gloves & to allow the factories involved in latex processing and production of rubber/surgical gloves as they produce essential commodities required in tackling the spread of Covid-19.

In this covid breakdowns , goverment allowed latex field collection from rubber plantation to factories and the major latex and Rubber processor are

1. SMR - St Mary's Rubbers Koovapally kanjirapally glove manufacturing invested 40 crore in 2013 is the medismart project in kerala making surgical gloves which is largest glove manufacturing factory in kerala

2. Santhome latex trivandrum

3. Kerala latex

KN Raghavan, Executive Director, Rubber Board of india taken all step to keep the the latex & Rubber industries to function marginally and open gradually in maintaining supply of gloves in PPT kit that is used in heath workers in Covid pandemic and also to provide income to small plantation growers in kerala and Kanyakumari boundary area which is the largest producer of natural rubber in India up to 80 percent

Koduman Plantation Rubber Touirisam in kerala

Kerala Govt and Rubber board of India propose to implement Rubber plantation tourisam as a means to develop village tourisam and eco friendly tourisam project . The Govt of kerala propose to select the PCK- kodumon Rubber plantation ( Plantation corporation of india ) a ideal place, choice & platform for the development of Rubber tourisam in kerala as kodumon plantation which is the biggest Public selector plantation in kerala located near to konni eco tourisam as kodumon rubber plantation consisting of

1. Chola vanan and silent valley forest

2. Rock quarries

3. water falls like koodal water falls in Rajagiri

4. Konni water falls in kodumon

5. Adavi water falls in konni

6. passion fruits

7. Rubber estates , Rubber & Latex Procesding Factories in Kodumon PCK Plantation

Pathanamthitta Kodumon Rubber Plantation tourisam project is linked with

1. Rural village tourisam in kerala

2. konni eco tourisam

3. Village tourisam on the landscapes

4. Water ways , building etc in kodumon rubber plantation.

The scope of rubber plantation tourisam can attract people to

1. Rubber tourisam

2. Kodumon chola vanam & forest in Rubber plantation

3. Rocky lands and quarries

4. Passion fruits estate

5. Rubber processing plants

6. water falls

7. Rubber wood processing units

8. Peacock bird santuary

9.Punja rice padam

10. coconut & coffee estate surrounding kodumon

11. Rural area of konni & Eco tourisam Project

12. Adavi Eco tourisam Project

13. Intercultivation in Rubber plantation projects

14. student project work .

Kodumon Rubber Plantation tourisam will develop the events in village like

1. Aranmula boat race

2. pandalam palace

3. Dalava museum

4. St George church chandanapally chembadupu rasa

5. ( Spider temple ) Chilandi temple vizha chikilsa ( Allergy curing )

6. plantation

7. konni elephant park

8. thannithodu bambo boat ride

9. Attract more people from kerala and rest of kerala to this village events by means of rubber tourisam

Highlighting the 2015 - 2016 Natural Rubber Market Impact that affect the common Man life

The Global Market decline in 2015 to 2016 year had reduced the demand and the supply of Natural Rubber in the Indian Market . The Indian Rubber Market become unstable and farmer, Industry, government is unable to overcome this economic crisis alone . The major challenge in the Rubber Market is the low domestic price, high import duty, shortage of Rubber , volatile Prices , lacking technical support , global competition , low demand of N.R and slow industry growth.

The farmers who are producers of Rubber for years from previous generation cannot able to recover from the debits and losses due to the decline of Rubber price, global warming , odd monsoon raining , diseases on rubber trees reduces production on one side and on the other side Industry facing shortage of Rubber had raised Rubber imports leading to a unstable market situation . The farmers income is reduced due to the rise in the cost of production and the decline in the rubber marker prices had made many farmers to move to other crops or stop the tapping of the Rubber tree until and unless the rubber price rises .

The Statical Reports of 2015 to 2016 year Natural rubber production

1.The production of Natural Rubber fall to 12.9 % from 6,45000 tons to 562,000 tons over the previous financial

2. Low price in the Natural Rubber made the fall of Tapped Rubber area from 5,59000 ha to 391000 ha and reduces the average yield in hectare from 1443 kg/ ha to 1437 kg/ ha .

3. Consumption of the Natural Rubber by Industries fall from 10,20,910 tons to 99,4415 tons due to the decline in Automobile sector .

4. The Imports of Natural Rubber rise from 442130 tons to 458374 tons due to the shortage of NR in domestic market.

5. Stock of Rubber with farmers , dealers. Industries reduce from 2,52000 tons to 2,24000 tons.

6. Fluctuation of N.R price rise in a week to 100 Rs per kg is directly affecting the companies daily activities as this kind of price rise and fall is not appraising both farmers and business groups

7. N.R Price rise of RSS 4 and RSS 3 sheet was in April and June 2015 and then declined to lowest price of 8000 Rs per ton . The average price of 2015 to 2016 year in the kottayam market price is 113.06 per kg. The variation in price of domestic to international price is -12.9 and synthetic rubber is - 4 , production and consumption of the N.R is -2.6 and synthetic is 3.2 showing more imports of synthetic rubber .

8. Government  subsidy as per the Rubber incentive scheme for the farmer declaring a new base price of Rubber to 150 Rs where the government pays the remaining amount as subsidy to farmers if the market price is below 150 Rs per kg .

9. Government take steps to increase the yield from he Rubber by training the tapper , making the life span of rubber to 22 years in which first 7 year is non yield season for the rubber to grow.  The rest 15 years is planned accordingly to increase the production of Rubber scientifically by reducing tree diseases , proper manuring and increase the DRC, down tapping, upward tapping , slaughter tapping done to maximize yield so that farmer gets the maximum benefit if he price is lower .

10. Scientific tapping of single tapping in one week to reduce the labor expense and to collect more latex from single tapping

11. Training for farmer and labor to produce grade sheet and get more income from Rubber production

12. Other subsidy support to farmers like replanting subsidy to farmer in different intervals in he seven year growing time of the Rubber tree in maintaining , manuring, and unweeding Rubber area

13. Inter cropping and harvest  in Rubber Area by giving gap between rubber tree in 24 * 24 and planting Pine apple, coffee, coco , papaya etc

14. Soil test , DRC checking , lab assistance for farmers

15. Online transaction in mobile and internet

16 . The Rubber become international attention when it is included in Make in India project and Industrial Rubber parks are opening in many parts of India

17 . The use of Rubber in road construction for road safety and at the same time will reduce the stock of domestic rubber

Data Base of Demand and Supply of Natural Rubber .

The Demand and the Supply of Rubber had Made large scale cultivation of Rubber in many parts of Kerala for many years  . The expansion of Rubber area over the last many years in Kerala had made Kerala a major producer of Rubber in India . The decline in Rubber prices over the last many years had made the expansion to decline giving rise to many construction in the rubber area made the Kerala market saturated . The planting of rubber trees in low paddy filled land had many failure during rainy off season . This saturation in rubber in the Kerala land area had given rise to Rubber cultivation many other places of India where the climate is moderate  and land is good for rubber cultivation. As a result of this many Rubber cultivation become possible in the land of Tamil Nadu in kanyakumari , Goa , Gulbarga in Karnataka, Goa , Mahabaleshwar , mandala, lonawala in Maharashtra  ,western land area of Orissa and many North eastern states like Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and Tripura states of India .These new added rubber cultivation area in the  north eastern states of  India rubber  had changed the Rubber market in India .

The Rubber cultivation and  expansion to large area is in the remote places of India where there exist violence and terror due to border issues and  naxal activities . The expansion of Rubber land  area to idukki remote areas , Nagaland, Orissa , Mizoram is a place once dominated and was under the control of naxal was now free from naxal threats as villagers become employed as Rubber tappers and get a proper wage for the work . The backward community in the remote villages like schedule caste and tribes living below the poverty line cannot able to live with the agriculture jobs due to the crop failure  in changing weather and animal attacks begin Rubber cultivation as a alternative choice in their land area in the remote land  areas of India had expanded Rubber land area to many other states

This expansion of Rubber land area is made possible GIS mapping , Image processing , data collection where many data are joined together to find a place that is possible for Rubber cultivation

GIS Mapping and Remote sensing in Kerala

India NR  cultivation depend on the Geographical location of places where there is  elevated terrace land, average rainfall area ,  humidity , low Celsius temperature, soil properties data , vast river network availability , green forest weather is necessary for the selection of place for rubber cultivation any where in India . Rubber which is not like other vegetation crops , paddy. Crops that can be cultivated on low level soil below the sea level .

In India the rubber is a traditional crop than had more than 100 year life span  . Rubber is a traditional crops that is cultivated by a large group of farmers in remote areas and villages land area that is above the sea level in high range land area connected by valleys , rivers , mountains . Rubber which had a life span of 22 years that gives yield to the farmer in sold form as sheet , liquid form as latex and bye products like crumb rubber scraps  and wood . The Geometry ,shape , land scape and soil properties ,scale , climate of the elevated land area can be viewed by GIS and topo maps are developed on the contour lines to show the height of the land from the sea level .

The Remote sensing and GIS mapping in Mizoram and north eastern states
Mizoram is the north eastern state of India bordering Myannar country on eastern side and Mehalaya , Tripura on the west connected by roads . Mizoram once a place with 50 hectare of rubber tree area where the local community live in other crops . The Rubber cultivation become possible when the other crops harvest become a failure resulted a majority of people to begin Rubber cultivation and join with government to cultivate rubber in the higher land of Mizoram north western and western areas . The expansion of rubber in many parts of Mizoram had made lot of changes in the state politically and

The expansion of Rubber cultivation was made possible in GIS maps , image processing of satellite images , merging the data together in different layers in topo maps and joining the contour lines as per the elevation of place in terrace land area . Integration of maps in different layers and contour lines and the  selected integrating map area in topo map scale give the elevation of the place and as per the geometry of the place develop Topo scale rubber land  map with all  data and was able  later develop and expand rubber cultivation as per the map developed in  Mizoram .The selected Map area are planted with rubber tree scientifically and give training to farmers for production of rubbers . The places selected for rubber cultivation which are in the remote areas disconnected with no roads was developed with road  connected as per the maps location and the maps are jointed to give access to the rubber Cultivated area from the rest of Mizoram .

This kind of development had made infrastructural development of  the place and there by increasing he production of rubber by increasing rubber area in different state of India

This same type of development and cultivation of rubber is made possible in Orissa state and develop more rubber tree land area was possible western Orissa . The people begin rubber cultivation as an alternative choice and earn profit and job  as labors as rubber tappers and farmers made them to lead them to live a normal life

Nagaland which is a small state of India belonging to a many community and called as a land of festival and is a place where lot of people died of ethnic conflict , violence , war , riots , had made remarkable progress in the rubber cultivation  and many district like Goha , Nannilum, Dimapur land area is now with rubber trees become a major profit  to the  group of people working as tappers labours  . The scientific development in Rubber. Cultivation in state was possible with the new bud wood root trainers , the 400 Series bud wood , training and lab support .

The Rubber cultivation in remote places was made possible by the GIS earth map in top scale and image processing of the selected land area from satellite aerial pictures and remote sensing to collect data of a large community Rubber growers spread across in India from kanyakumari in the south to north eastern States of India and give new ways to maximize  yield collection was made possible in quality and quantity of products in sheets , latex and compounded rubber scraps .

Remote sensing in developing data base ALF in rubber cultivation
GIS used to collect data on te detection of diseased rubber plantation using Remote satellite  sensing . The project is satellite based remote sensing technique as a tool of Real time monitoring of leaf Retention in NR plantation affected by abnormal leaf fall disease .

The decline in rubber production and price is due to the  diseases that affect the tree due to global warming , temperature variation, intensive rainfall  resulting abnormal leaf falling and low yield

In Rubber tree there exist seasonal leaf falling called defoliation in the month of December and January and new leaf to grow in the month of February and march called refoliation . In this particular period the tapping are stopped as the yield is very less. This particular change happen very year in the rubber tree

In Kerala state 2013 year there exist a sharp decline in rubber production in central and north India due to abnormal and intensive leaf fall disease in the month of June and July spread diseases and intensive leaf fall . This monsoon leaf fall other  than season leaf fall yearly in  December and January had declined the total rubber production compared to year 2012 .

This abnormal leaf fall in June and July is the result of intense rainfall in 2013 year had reduced the output from rubber from central and north India .

The intensity of damage  was monitored by means in GIS Mapping and image processing of satellite pictures by means of remote sensing .

The cycle of rubber tree defoliate in December and January and refoliate in February and march in one season and the defoliation in June and July and refoliate in august and September was monitored by connecting different maps together to show the intensity of damage due to leaf Fall on June and July when comparing to previous year

GIS maps are able to show the leaf falling area by maps on image processing of satellite pictures , the weather reports from satellite , ALF Abnormal leaf fall and lead area index LAI . if the LAI value is more the leaf fall will be more in the selected area of the map.

LAI is made available by MODIS 15 A2 , the Resourcesut LIST II 2012 give the weather updates in the areas , 1: 250 k map for electing the province . The data are merged and integrated in different layers to obtain and map the ALF areas with respect to he intensity of rainfall from Resourcesut and LAI values giving colored maps to show he ALF affected areas in north and middle Kerala .

The software like Geomatics , MODIS 15A2 and Resourcesut image processed is done in remote sensing and GIS in getting data of the leaf fall disease trees in a province that decline the rubber production due to global warming and intensive rainfall .

Satellite based remote sensing technique as a tool for real time monitoring of leaf retention in natural rubber plantation
Most parts of the traditional natural rubber growing regions of India, extending from Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu in the South to Kasaragod district of Kerala in the North received excess and prolonged rains during 2013. This led to severe incidence of Abnormal Leaf Fall (ALF) disease caused by the fungus, Phytophthora sp. The present study demonstrated the first time use of satellite remote sensing technique to monitor ALF disease by estimating Leaf Area Index (LAI) in natural rubber holdings in near real time. Leaf retention was monitored in between April and December 2012 and 2013 by estimating LAI using MODIS 15A2 product covering rubber holdings spread across all districts in the traditional rubber growing region of the country that was mapped using Resourcesat LISS III 2012 and 2013 data. It was found that as the monsoon advanced, LAI decreased substantially in both years, but the reduction was much more substantial and prolonged in many districts during 2013 than 2012 reflecting increased leaf fall due to ALF disease in 2013. The decline was more pronounced in central and northern Kerala than in the South. Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu is generally known to be free from ALF disease, but there was considerable leaf loss due to ALF in June 2012 and June and July 2013 even as the monsoon was unusually severe in 2013. Weighted mean LAI during for the entire period of April to December was estimated as a weighted average of LAI and per cent of total area under rubber in each district in the study area for the two years. This was markedly less in 2013 than 2012. The implications of poor leaf retention for biomass production (net primary productivity), carbon sequestration and rubber yield .

Leaf Area Index - Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation 8-Day L4 Global 1km

MOD15A2 images in GIS image processing

This image is pseudo-colored to display the Fraction of  Photo synthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) calculated over north-central U.S., from the Great Lakes westward across the Northern Great Plains. These data collected between March 6 13, 2007 indicate more vegetation growing furthest to the East, as expected during this time of the year.

The level-4 MODIS global Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of  Photo synthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) product is composited every 8 days at 1-kilometer resolution on a Sinusoidal grid. Science Data Sets provided in the MOD15A2 include LAI, FPAR, a quality rating, and standard deviation for each variable.

The LAI variable defines the number of equivalent layers of leaves relative to a unit of ground area, whereas FPAR measures the proportion of available radiation in the photo synthiticate active wave length that are absorbed by he canopy

GIS and remote sensing is used to disaster managements , floods , hazards monitoring , wind and earth quake destruction  that affect  the common man life and image processing software like GRASS , Geomatica and other image processing software where used to find the span of destruction caused to the cultivated lands can be viewed by image processing

In floods the weather maps and satellite give the intensity of rain and hours it rain by means of satellite data the flood maps and rubber tree disease maps  can be developed .

In the coastline destruction the wave height is checked and span area of destruction of that wave cane be viewed by maps on the speed of the wave with wind direction

This kind of GIS image processing and remote sensing technique help disaster management team in Rubber board to provide subsidy and immediate relief package to farmers who lost the yield from the rubber due to diseases and give stable production growth in rubber .

IRS P6/Resourcesat-1 and Resourcesat-2 and remote image processing

The IRS (Indian Remote Sensing) satellites form a large family of Earth observation satellites operated by the Indian space agency.

IRS P6/Resourcesat-1 and Resourcesat-2 ensure continuity of medium and high resolution data supply provided by the twin satellites IRS-1C and IRS-1D. These two, launched in 1995 and 1997 respectively, have completed their missions after more than 10 years of service. Like their predecessors, Resourcesat satellites carry a LISS-III sensor as well as a wide field AWiFS sensor, but the high resolution (5.8 m) LISS-4 sensor replaces the panchromatic sensor. The high-resolution data are useful for applications such as urban planning and mapping, while the average resolution is used for vegetation discrimination, land mapping, and natural resources management.altitude: 816-818 km    inclination: 98.6 degrees.  orbit: sun-synchronous polar.  orbit period: 101 minutes , revisit time (LISS-4 et AWIFS): 5 days.   swath width : 23,9 km – 70,3 km (LISS-IV) ; 140 km (LISS-III); 740 km (AWIFS)satellites:IRS-P6/Resourcesat-1 (17/10/2003 – operational) Resourcesat-2 (20/04/2011– operational)

LISS-III sensor image processing

The LISS-III (Linear Imaging Self Scanning Sensor) sensor is an optical sensor working in four spectral bands (green, red, near infrared and short wave infrared). It covers a 141km-wide swath with a resolution of 23 metres in all spectral bands.

LISS-IV sensor image processing

LISS-IV can work either in panchromatic or in multispectral mode with the same bands as LISS-III (except SWIR). However, the resolution is much better (5.8 m). For Resourcesat-1, the swath width varies from 23.9 km in multispectral mode to 70.3 km in panchromatic mode. For Resourcesat-2, the multispectral swath is enhanced to 70 km. The linear array sensor can be steered up to 26 degrees across-track, enabling stereoscopic imaging.

AWiFS sensor image processing

AWIFS (Advanced Wide Field Sensor) is an optical sensor with intermediate spatial resolution.

Geomatics and remote sensing

Geomatics and remote sensing Is describe the processes related to the Earth’s physical features and the society it is increasingly important to use remote sensing and geographical information systems (GIS) as tools for managing large amounts of spatial and geographically-referenced information.

Risk of Avalanches and land slides direction is an example of what can be calculated using a geometric analysis. Illustration: Department of Geo sciences.

Geomatics includes collection, management, integration, representation, analysis, modeling, and visualization of geographically-referenced information. Data is collected by mapping using GPS, or by remote sensing from aerial, satellite or ground based senior .Data is further managed and analyzed in GIS .

Geomatic tools and techniques are  in research and projects in environmental studies ,hydrology  water resource , geomorphology and geo hazards .

1. Space borne optical remote sensing of glacier

2. Remote sensing of geo hazards.

3. SAR and SAR interferometer

4. Image match Algorithm .

5. Combination of optical and SAR satellite Data

6. Permafrost creep .

7. Digital photogrammetric

8. Remote sensing of land scape .

9. Thermal permafrost model

Image Processing Map

The First Map shows the expansion of Rubber cultivation in South Western Part and North Western Part in Dark Green Images

The Second Image Map shows the Rubber Plantation in Brown

Third Map shows the Vegetation land spread across in Yellow Color .

400 Series Rubber Tree

400 Series Rubber tree is more stronger and adaptable to the changing climate and can with stand Cold climate and diseases to a extend not like other trees . The 400 Series tree yield production is also higher . The 400 Series tree like 414 , 417, 421, 425, 429, 430, 431 had higher resistance power to having higher productivity in off season and on season and the details are charted by rubber board in different graphs . The Latex DRC and Sheet are having equal market share as April to july the latex price is higher than rubber and in other season Sheet price may be higher , but on a average the farmer get almost the same profit in a year either in sheet or latex
Rubberised Road


Rubber board is one such non profitable organization in India that gives more benefits to farmers an industry  for the stable growth in economy.

Many other countries are giving subsidy and benefit higher than Indian subsidy and  not giving subsidy  to all farmers and

Many studies and research of rubber board had benefit farmers entrepreneurs as rubber board is the only organization to meet the requirement of these society and community in global competition and market. Rubber Board is able to reduce the communication gap between farmer and the government and farmer and the industries in India

The current market growth shows that there will be rise in the demand and supply of rubber in china , Thailand , Europe and U.S will give more value to NR in the coming years and market may rise on the crude oil price rise

In rubber india ranks 4 th and it is a economical product of kerala and India and a gate way to kerala

Branding the Rubber of kerala to r increase the Natural Rubber production that is affected by decline in Rubber price , Climatic changes , over tapping the Rubbers, disease affecting rubbers tree

The Save rubber is to stop and reduce the import of synthetic rubbers and low quality rubbers by companies from other countries and to raise the price of Rubber against cost of production in kerala as per Rubber growers society and Rubber board of kerala

Domestic price and international price are making price variation and local market. In year 2020 and before when international rubber price had lowered the domestic price lowered due to imports of Rubber is now in 2021 the rubber price is increasing in domestic market due to rise of price in international market rubber .

In India the rubber price are rising due to the shortage of rubber in international market due to wide spread disease in Thailand and Malaysia due to leaf fall disease.

When compared to 300 hectares of Rubber in kottayam, Pathanamthitta and thrissur is affected with leaf fall disease , the leaf fall disease in Thailand Rubber Plantation neighbouring to Malaysia total affected area is 90,000 hectares with a loss of production potential running to 130,000 tonnes on an annual basis. In Indonesia fungus disease started in 2019 is spread to Sumatra in 2020 had decreases Rubber production . In Malaysia and India the thailand leaf fall disease is a threat as few areas of kerala land in.affected by leaf fall diseases mainly in thrissur, kottayam and Pathanamthitta district of kerala state

Leaf fall disease

Corynespora leaf fall, Southern American leaf blight (SALB) disease, abnormal leaf fall, Colletotrichum leaf disease, powdery mildew, leaf blight, brown bast, white rot disease, and brown rot. disease are the major diseases that can affect global rubber productions.

In India remote sensing is able to find the leaf fall affected land done in year 2007 when this disease which spread before is done by satellite mapping and previous leaf fall disease satellite mapping are in internet

By this satellite mapping of leaf fall area companies can find good rubber production area in kerala and at the same rubber board organization can make a survey of Rubber loss in near future also

Georgie S Cherian

Karimpanoor House ,

Pannivizha , Adoor , Kerala , India


